Taataksemme asiakkaillemme parhaan mahdollisen palvelun, olemme valinneet toimitustavaksemme ovelle toimituksen. Partnerimme Mondial Relayn toimialueilla Ranskassa, Luxenbourgissa ja Espanjassa toimituksen voi myös noutaa Mondial Relayn noutopisteistä.

Tavoitteenamme on tarjota asiakkaillemme ilmainen toimitus, joten olemme määritelleet jokaiselle kohteelle kynnyshinnan, jonka jälkeen toimitus on ilmainen. Halpojen hintojemme ja pienien katteittemme vuoksi emme pysty tarjoamaan toimitusta kuluitta kynnyshintaa pienemmissä tilauksissa. Joka tapauksessa pyrimme saamaan nämä kynnyshinnat jokaisen maan kohdalla mahdollisimman mataliksi.

Due to the increase in the rates of the carriers,we are forced to increase the delivery costs as of the second bulky article (fork, tallies, wheels) for each order carried out with Colissimo and UPS. The extra charge amounts to 10 euros per article.

The shipping methods may change depending on the warehouse. No refund of shipping costs is possible for example, DHL or COLISSSIMO are used at the UPS place. We have several stocks that send with their
carriers. From experience, shippers are equal, and if you request a door-to-door delivery, you will be delivered door-to-door, and if you request a delivery to a relay point, you will be delivered in
relay point. RCZ will not reimburse any shipping costs if the sender is different from the one mentioned on the order.

No more delivery in Belgium


Alla olevasta taulukosta löydät toimitusten maakohtaiset hinnat.


Minimum order value from which the delivery is 3,59 euro
Shipping costs
Allemagne GLS N/A

order less than 99,99 € : 15,99 €
order greater than 99,99 € : 14.99 €

- Complete bike 149,99 €
- Pro: 15,99 €

supplément SARIS : +25e


9.99 €

Andorre Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 14,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 12,99 €

- Complete bike 159,99 €
- Pro: 14,99 €

Las Palmas, Ténérife, Ceuta, Melilla UPS N/A

99,99 €

- Complete bike 149,99 €
- Pro: 99,99 €

Autriche UPS N/A

order less than 300 € : 15,99 €
order greater than 300 € : 14,99 €

- Complete bike 159,99 €
- Pro: 15,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e


11.99 €

Baléares UPS N/A 16,99 €
Bulgarie UPS N/A

order less than 399 € : 34,99 €
order greater than 399 € : 37,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €
- Pro: 37,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Danemark UPS N/A

order less than 199 € : 15,99 €
order greater than 199 € : 14,99 €

- Complete bike 159,99e
- Pro: 15,99e

supplément SARIS : +30e


 10,99 €

Espagne VELO N/A 149,99 €
Espagne PRO N/A  19,99€
Espagne UPS N/A

19.99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Estonie Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 24,99 €

pro : 25.99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Finlande UPS N/A

order less than 249 € : 25,99 €
Between 249 and 399 € : 24,99 €
order greater than 399 € : 23,99 €

supplément zones éloignées : 15 €  *
supplément zones difficiles d'accès : 20 €  *

VELO COMPLET : 169.99 €

Professionnel : 25.99 €

supplément SARIS : +50e

France Colissimo N/A

order less than 399 .99 € : 12,49 €
order greater than 399 .99 € : 11,49€

supplément SARIS : +25e

France MONDIAL RELAY N/A 10,49 €
France (vélo complet-pro+general) Colissimo N/A

149,99 €

+ supplément article encombrant (dès le premier): 10 € (cadre ou fourche) / 19 € (roues)

France (client professionnels) Colissimo N/A 13,99 € + supplément article encombrant (fourche, roues, cadre): 10€ + supplément commande 
Grèce Colissimo N/A

order less than 399 € : 109,99e
order greater than 399 € : 99,99e

- Pro:  109,99e

supplément SARIS : +30e

Hongrie Colissimo N/A

order less than 359 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 359 € : 24,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Irlande Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 23,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 20,99 €

pro : 23.99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Italie UPS N/A

order less than 250 € : 18,99 €
Between 250 and 499 € :17,99 €
order greater than 499 € : 16,99 €

supplément zones éloignées: 15€
supplément zones difficiles d'accès: 20€

Vélo complet : 149.99 €

Client professionnel : 18.99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Lettonie Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 23,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 20,99 €

pro : 23.99e

- Complete bike 169,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Lituanie Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 24,99 €

pro : 25.99e

- Complete bike 169,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Luxembourg UPS N/A

order less than 359 € : 12,99 €
order greater than 359 € : 11,99 €

- Pro: 12,99 €

- Complete bike 149,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Luxembourg UPS N/A Vélos complets:149,99€
Madère Colissimo N/A

15,99 €

- Complete bike 159,99 €

Malte Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 24,99 €

pro : 25.99e

- Complete bike 169,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Norvège UPS N/A

order less than 299 € : 19,99 €
Between 299 and 499 € : 18,99 €
order greater than 499 € : 17,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Pays-Bas UPS N/A

order less than 149 € : 18,99 €
order greater than 149 € : 17,99 €

-Complete bike 159,99 €
- Pro: 17,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Pologne Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 24,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

- Pro: 25,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Portugal UPS N/A

order less than 249€ : 19,99 €
Between 250 and 499 € :18,99 €
order greater than 499 € : 17,99€

supplément zones éloignées: 15€ *

-Complete bike 149,99 €
- Professionnel: 18,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Portugal (Açores) UPS N/A

49,99 €

- Complete bike 149,99e
- Pro: 49,99e

République Tchèque Colissimo N/A

order less than 359 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 359 € : 24,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

- Pro: 25,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Roumanie UPS N/A

order less than 399 € : 28,99 €
order greater than 399 € : 25,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €
- Pro: 27,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Russie Colissimo N/A 99 €
Slovaquie Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 24,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

- Pro: 25,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Slovénie Colissimo N/A

order less than 299 € : 25,99 €
order greater than 299 € : 24,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

- Pro: 25,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Suède UPS N/A

order less than 299 € : 22,99 €
Between 299 and 499 € : 21,99€
order greater than 499 € : 20,99 €

- Complete bike 169,99 €

- Pro: 22,99 €

supplément SARIS : +30e

Suisse Colissimo N/A

order less than 249 € : 19.99 €
order greater than 249 € : 17,99 €

Pro : 15.99e

supplément SARIS : +30e

Suisse Colissimo N/A Vélo complet: 149,99 €

 Surcharge for big orders: because of the cost increase concerning big orders (more than 6 articles) you will be asked to pay a surcharge depending on the number of articles you ordered: (for private customers as well as for professionals)

- for orders with 6 or more articles, you will be charged 1€.

- For orders with 8 or more articles, you will be charged 3€.

- For orders of 10 or more articles, you will be charge an extra 5€.

- For orders of 15 or more articles, you will be charge an extra 10€.

- For orders of 20 or more articles, you will be charge an extra 15€.

- For orders of 25 or more articles, you will be charge an extra 25€.

- For orders of 30 or more articles, you will be charge an extra 30€.

Note** : Surcharge for big order : 

  • with one fork, you will be charged 3
  • with one wheel or one wheelset, you will be charged 5€
  • with one frame, you will be charged 10


Toimitukseen liittyvissä kysymyksissä voit ottaa meihin yhteyttä lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen


RCZ Tiimi